Myers School Details
Myers is a kindergarten through fifth-grade school with an average enrollment of around 500 students.
Bilingual services are available.
Myers is the site location for Salem Child Development Center. For more information about before and after school care, please contact them directly at 503-363-9821.
Myer History
May, 1971 - The Board of Directors for School District 24J committed itself to proceed with planning an "open classroom" elementary educational facility. Although the concept of open classroom learning was not new, it was· a new approach for District 24J.
October, 1971 - Sitework began while plans were being prepared for the construction contract. Voter defeat of the bond issue delayed the project in the spring of 1972, but plans were issued to contractors and work commenced in August. The project was substantially completed in August of 1973 and occupied for use at the beginning of the 1973-74 school year.
Our Vision: All students graduate and are prepared for a successful life.
School Colors
Navy Blue & White
School Mascot